'' Grandfather Goodness '' if you will ...
Дядо Добри.: Гледайте душите си на дявола живее в хората "Нека тези лица да не лежат на земното и временно, да се държа за Бога, а не да се отклоняват на дявола!" Има хора, които не знаят по-добре, не знам Бога и да палят свещи. Така че дяволът кара хората да не вярват в Бога, не, иди у дома си. Злото, което ще ни съди, когато отидем до Бог, и той иска да се покае, да признае греховете си и, защото той е добър и милостив, ще ни прости и да ни даде радост в нашето покаяние "... Пазете душите си на дявола в живота на хората, говорете с тях мазнини, за да бъде в състояние да привлекат душите Пазете няма вяра -.! сте загубени " http://www.novini.bg/.../279038-%D0%B4%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%BE-%D0%...
Such a fine message that, in its infinite goodness, too,
Blogger / Гоогле ... sorry, Google ... just had to
automatically translate for us
-when we did not even ask Google Goodness to ...-
Santa Good: Watch your souls: the devil lives in people
"Let People not to Lie on The Earth as it is Temporary, let them to hold on to God and not to deviate to The Devil! "There Are People do not know WHO is Better, they do not know God or to Light candles. The devil also makes people not to believe in God, makes them not go to His Home. The Evil That We Will Be Judged for When We Go up to God, and He wants us to repent, to admit our SINS and, because He IS Good and Merciful, He Will Forgive us and, with us, He IS delighted for our Repentance "
"... Keep your souls for the devil lives in people, talking through their fat lips, to be able to attract souls. Beware! There is no faith anymore - so many are lost"
http: //www.novini.bg /.../ 279038-% D0% B4% D1% 8F% D0% B4% D0% BE-% D0% ...
http: //www.novini.bg /.../ 279038-% D0% B4% D1% 8F% D0% B4% D0% BE-% D0% ...
Watch out, Bulgarians: it could happen to you, too!
ReplyDeleteIf you click on that novini.bg hyperlink and are using Google Chrome as your browser, it may translate automatically for you as well...
And it translates it into as bad an English as it is bad Bulgarian, above...
Ye have been duly warned!
Дядо Добри forgives them...