Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Baba Marta Day!

Chestita Baba Marta -  by Tanya Bartel

On this wondrous day, 
Bulgarians gift each other martenitsas 
- whether they are simple strings 
or cutefied figurines; the important thing is 
that they are red and white!
(Hey - like Santa! But, surely, 
that is just a mere coincidence...)
It's all about heralding spring coming 
-at long last- after the depressing 
winter temperatures...
(Ha - they didn't know 
how cozy they got it 
until they saw minus 35 degrees 
-Celsius, but still- 
in La Canada...! 
But that is another story...)

Photo by Sofia Photo Agency
Happy Baba Marta Day, 

Old Man Winter is about to croak - 
thanks, in part, to an old cranky granny...! 
My, oh my; this Baba Marta here 
is mightier than even one Baba Iaga
or that other baba, Baba Dochia...! 
Take that, Russia and Romania! 

Whether it is a stork, swallow or crane you see, 
or the first sign of a soon-to-be blossomed tree 
good times are just around the corner 
which will find you luckier and healthier! 
(For warmer...!) 

Though as heartwarming as any account can be, 
this particular retelling of those olden days 
back in the ''old country'' (as some extradited souls 
would say today) while being a tad too 
sentimental and nostalgic 
cannot avoid making us remark 
that their white martenista there 
looks so much like 

We're in a state of shock over this -
courtesy, ironically, of Shutterstock!

Although, in their more generic forms, 
neither one should evoke 
any goofish creation 
several centuries younger...! 
In fact, the two dolls made of strings 
have a name:
Pizho the male in white (?) 
and Penda the female in red 
(ah, hence 
no? Oh - okay.)

Anyway... Once again... 

Must be that Bulgarian ingenuity at work again -
that which makes them compulsively 
pull each other down the ladder...? 
Unless it's just Blogger Boogery again.
But that's another story!

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