When I went to Bulgaria, I was struck by the number of stray dogs on the streets, even in the capital, Sofia. I looked at the abandoned animals and would try and think of something to throw their way - a piece of bread, anything - to appease their suffering if only for a second. On one occasion, at least, I went to the local version of a Price's Chopper (BILLA) to purchase sausages and I then distributed them to all the strays that I had seen on my way there, retracing my steps as not to miss a single one... The next time I travelled there, the joke was that all the stray doggies would be there awaiting me at the airport, in anticipation...
If I lived there, I would do this on a regular basis - considering the fact that, in my North American eyes, the prices there truly are chopped quite considerably... But, above all, I could not just walk by all these dogs, some of them so skinny (literally just skin on the bones) and not do anything at all, day in and day out. I simply would not be able to. I figure that, once established in Bulgaria, I would set up a group that would just that - patrol the streets and feed those dogs. Maybe such a group already exists - I simply do not know of it yet... If it does exist already, all I can tell them is: please continue doing what you are doing there.
The stray dog problem has been a long-term dilemma for the authorities there: such a situation also exists elsewhere in Europe, but in Sofia, it appears to be the lack of willingness of devoting any time, effort or resources to possible solutions to this problem that truly plagues the capital - and country overall. The political situation in Bulgaria is well-known and I shall not go into details about it here - but, suffice it to say that, if there had been more capable elected officials, at all levels of government there, in the last two decades, this and many other problems would be at the very least being dealt with on a day-to-day basis already. There might be shelters for these animals - hopefully decent places where they would not be put down but rather treated and groomed for possible adoption, perhaps out of town, where guard dogs are still appreciated. Alas, as it stands, the stray problematic remains one such without a foreseeable solution. Worse yet - now, some execrable, pathetic excuses for human beings are mistreating the animals. One such heinous act was reported on social media everywhere - and we thought we'd share this right here too, for all who happen to stop by here to read about it; either once again or for the first time ever...
EN &...
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UPDATE ON SPIRIT, 16.07.12 - Our little hero has been admitted to the Central Veterinary Clinic at Sofia City. Blood and urine tests have been done. The results reveal that Spirit has anameia and his kidney's function is slightly compromised.His wounds have been treated and he has been stabilized. He was put on a drip wit
h several antibiotics and strong pankillers. In a week or so his vet will have to decide if an operation on his burnt skin will be necessary. For now, Spirits wounds are treated 8 times a day and he is fighting hard for his life. I am asking you kindly again to please donate for Spirit as much as you possibly can. The dog's treatment is expensive, he has to be on the best pain management and may have to be operated on. All that may amount easily to couple of thousands BGN, but we will know for sure in a few days. BANК ACCOUNT DETAILS: IN LEVA : Iban: BG31FINV91501015033370 BIC: FINVBGSF Iva Mladenova Cherneva PAYPAL: withlovetoanimals@gmail.com Or you could donate cash at the"Central Vet Clinic"-Sofia On behalf of Spirit, thank you! _____________________________ АКТУАЛНА ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ЗА СПИРИТ, 16.07.12Нашият малък герой постъпи снощи в Централна ветеринарна клиника в София. Направени са му кръв и урина тестове, от които се вижда, че той страда от анемия и бъбреците му са със леко нарушена функция.Раните му са третирани и за момента кучето е стабилизирано. Вливат му се флуиди, няколко антибиотика и силни болкоуспокояващи. След около седмица, лекуващия му лекар ще вземе решение дали да оперира раните от изгарянията. За сега те се третират 8 пъти дневно и кучето се бори за живота си. Обръщам се отново с молба към вас да дарите за Спирит каквото ви е възможно. Лечението му е скъпо, той трябва да е на скъпоструващи болкоуспокояващи медикаменти и операция може би ще се наложи. Всичко това много бързо може да натрупа 1-2000 лева, но ние ще знаем със сигурност след няколко дни. ДАРИТЕЛСКИ БАНКОВИ СМЕТКИ: В ЛЕВА: Iban: BG31FINV91501015033370 BIC: FINVBGSF Iva Mladenova Cherneva ВЪВ ВАЛУТА : Paypal: withlovetoanimals@gmail.com; ИЛИ НА МЯСТО В Централна ветеринарна клиника София От името на Спирит, благодаря! ____________________________ BULGARIA'S WALL OF SHAME! STRAY DOG-VICTIM OF ACID ATTACK HEARTFELT APPEAL! EN & BG This atrocity happened a couple of days ago in a provincial town of Bulgaria. A friendly stray dog, who was an easy target got burnt with acid! The wounds are potentially life-threatening and cover all of the right side of his body. The pain must be unbearable! The poor dog was taken from the streets by a local activist and received some basic medical help, but we were told that there is no vet clinic at his home town to admit him to. So, our dedicated animal rescue team Cvety & Iva from Animal Help Stara Zagora - Cvety & Iva jumped on their car and started the rescue operation: they drove to Dimitrovgrad to collect the dog and now, that he is with them, they are on their way to the Central Veterinary Clinic in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. That's about 490 km drive (both ways), during the night! I spoke to Cvety on the phone. She told me that the dog is adequate but clearly in pain and clearly needs urgent and expert medical attention, which is only available during the weekend nights at the Central Vet. Clinic in Sofia. Naturally, they decided to go there. Tomorrow, we will publish new photos and doctor's prognosis, regarding treatment and recovery. We also must chose a name for our new rescue and may be some of you would like to help with suggestions. The animal will need financial help. I am publishing Cvety & Iva's Paypal and please, donate what you can, every bit counts! As for the monster, who poured the acid onto an innocent dog, at this stage we know absolutely nothing about him/they. But, we will speak to our colleagues from Dimitrovgrad about find out who he might be and pressing charges. Please, help us help this poor dog -victim of unimaginable cruelty donating to PayPal: withlovetoanimals@gmail.com and SHARE THIS APPEAL! THANK YOU! __________________________ БЪЛГАРСКАТА СТЕНА НА ПОЗОРА! БЕЗДОМНО КУЧЕ ЗАЛЯТО С КИСЕЛИНА! Това злодеяние е извършено преди 2 дни в Димитровград. Приятелски настроено бездомно куче, по тази причина лесна плячка, е залято с киселина! Раните му са потенциално живото-застрашаващи и засягат цялата дясна страна от тялото му. Болката със сигурност е непоносима! Кучето е прибрано от улицата и му е оказана първа медицинска помощ от местна активистка, но в града няма подходяща ветеринарна клиника, в която да бъде лекувано. И така, нашият всеотдаен спасителен екип Цвети и Ива от Animal Help Stara Zagora - Cvety & Iva тръгнаха на поредната си спасителна акция: най-напред отидоха в Димитровград да вземат животинката и от там пътуват за Централна ветеринарна клиника, София. Това са около 490км път през нощта (отиване и връщане). Говорих с Цвети по телефона. Тя ми каза, че кучето е адекватно, но е повече от ясно, че изпитва силна болка и че има нужда от спешна медицинска помощ. При това положение, естествено, най-доброто решение е ЦВК. Утре ще публикуваме нови снимки и прогнозата на лекуващия лекар. Животинката ще има нужда от финансова помощ, за това публикувам дарителските сметки на Цвети и Ива и се обръщам към вас с молба да дарявате. В случаи като този всяка помощ е безценна! Относно чудовището извършило това зверство, за сега не е известно кой е, но ние ще разговаряме с колегите от Димитровград с оглед предприемане на мерки да се установи самоличността на престъпника и да предприемем законови мерки да бъде наказан. Моля ви, помогнете ни да помогнем на това куче - поредната жертва на безумна човешка жестокост. ДАРИТЕЛСКИ БАНКОВИ СМЕТКИ: В ЛЕВА: Iban: BG31FINV91501015033370 BIC: FINVBGSF Iva Mladenova Cherneva ВЪВ ВАЛУТА : Paypal: withlovetoanimals@gmail.com; ИЛИ НА МЯСТО В Централна ветеринарна клиника София. БЛАГОДАРИМ!
We must help stop this - so that this remains only an isolated case. We must defend the defenceless.
No more inhumane acts. No more unnecessary suffering. No more unspeakable acts.
No more.
Redorez votre blason, Bulgarie - je vous en prie.
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