If I lived there, I would do this on a regular basis - considering the fact that, in my North American eyes, the prices there truly are chopped quite considerably... But, above all, I could not just walk by all these dogs, some of them so skinny (literally just skin on the bones) and not do anything at all, day in and day out. I simply would not be able to. I figure that, once established in Bulgaria, I would set up a group that would just that - patrol the streets and feed those dogs. Maybe such a group already exists - I simply do not know of it yet... If it does exist already, all I can tell them is: please continue doing what you are doing there.
The stray dog problem has been a long-term dilemma for the authorities there: such a situation also exists elsewhere in Europe, but in Sofia, it appears to be the lack of willingness of devoting any time, effort or resources to possible solutions to this problem that truly plagues the capital - and country overall. The political situation in Bulgaria is well-known and I shall not go into details about it here - but, suffice it to say that, if there had been more capable elected officials, at all levels of government there, in the last two decades, this and many other problems would be at the very least being dealt with on a day-to-day basis already. There might be shelters for these animals - hopefully decent places where they would not be put down but rather treated and groomed for possible adoption, perhaps out of town, where guard dogs are still appreciated. Alas, as it stands, the stray problematic remains one such without a foreseeable solution. Worse yet - now, some execrable, pathetic excuses for human beings are mistreating the animals. One such heinous act was reported on social media everywhere - and we thought we'd share this right here too, for all who happen to stop by here to read about it; either once again or for the first time ever...
We must help stop this - so that this remains only an isolated case. We must defend the defenceless.
No more inhumane acts. No more unnecessary suffering. No more unspeakable acts. No more.
Redorez votre blason, Bulgarie - je vous en prie.