Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Another dream come true...!

The corrupt government that we have beseeched 
ceaselessly -for many, many months now- 
to step down and resign 
has finally abdicated power!

Let us rejoice! 
For now...

(because we never know who or what 
the people may be foolish enough to vote for, 
next time - this coming November!)

Here's to the future...!

(Gulping down a shot of rakia -
choking and coughing optional!)

Ironically enough, however, the word ''победа'' delineates everything, if not at once, according to the specifics of each situation: it can therefore signify victory but also defeat; battle; even a ''coup''...

Only in Bulgaria...!

So... is this the end for Ostavka-Man
Nay - we think not! 
For there is much more Resignation here, 
looming on the horizon! 
Resignation that things are doomed to repeat: 
mistakes to be made, over and over again; 
the need for an ostavka periodic, then...! 

For, in the final estimation, 
there is much to say 
about the things that we have got in common, 
Bulgarians and I...
They should surely have an expression, 
already in ancient use, 
that goes along the same way 
my good old motto goes: 
''Hope For The Best
Expect The Worst 
That Way, Nothing Will Surprise Thee!''

One more time...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Day Is Almost Here!!!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Morning - AND Canada Day! Da!

Bulgarians who double up as Canadian-Bulgarian (in the same vein as Canadiens-Français - sort of) can enjoy two songs rather just one on this day of moving, among other things...

First and foremost, there is Uriah Heep's unforgettable anthem...

And then, there is the Canadian anthem, of course (duh!) of which we have found an alternate version, further ''alternated'' by someone who  undeniably thought of inserting a familiar face into the whole thing, for the utmost pleasure of all Bulgarians who love... Russia.

Hey, it could have been worse: it could have been Boiko and his clowns! 


But that's another story...!