A special lugubrious blog simulpost... this time!
от конкурс за красота, наречен "Мис Южна перла",
организиран от Киро
строени за снимка до паметник на баба ви Ванга! Ето:
MISKO of a beauty pageant called "Miss South Pearl", organized by Kiro
- scale built for a photo memorial to your grandmother Vanga!
The granny in question is up for Sainthood indeed
for many view her as a saintly grannie that helped so many
(sort of like a Frère André, Padre Pio or Padre Cruz)
while others view her merely as some sort of a witch
who dabbled with, communed with and talked to the dead...
The saintliness of a prophetess and sainthood sound much better.
She knows for sure...!
Now, THIS monument should have been the site
that Kiro there should have taken the girls to...!
Maybe next year...