Are Bulgarians dreaming of being... Russian?
Have they ever dreamt of such a thing?
(No offence meant here: I'm just asking...!)
If so, maybe these are the dream songs to listen to...
Before migrating north... nyet?
Watch the show then, where many of them tunes
were gathered, for your listening pleasure...
Nota Bene: if there is no screen below, here,
check it out at itself!
After all, as the Americans say,
the show must go on...!
No matter what...! ;-)
Playlist subject to complete inability to play
or even embed and exist, here -
as we hinted before; after all, it is made in Russia...
And, like everything else made in Russia
(fridges, stoves, cars...)
it is by sheer miracle that it works, at all...!
Ask Bulgarians - they know...!